Monday, November 7, 2016

She's Got Legs

      It was my brother Jonathan's 8th Birthday party. Becuase he was born in late January his birthdays were always snow covered. On this year my parents tried something new. They rented out the local high school pool for a two-hour party. All the extended family was invited to come swim with us. I remember clearly that my Grandma Tullis came out in her bathing suit and pantyhose. When the lifeguard saw her, she kindly pulled her aside to tell her stockings were not permitted.

My Grandmother was upset, "Have you seen my legs?"she asked the sixteen-year-old lifeguard.

"Ma'am I am sorry, rules are rules," she said firmly.

    So my grandmother marched back to the locker room, got dressed and refused to swim. How could anyone be so unfeeling toward her? She muttered and vented throughout the party. As a ten-year-old I had no idea what my Grandma Tullis could be so embarrassed about, that is until later when I realized I had inherited her legs.

    If someone was to ask me what I liked about myself, I think I would pause awkwardly and say, my voice. It is strange to face such a pointed question. It feels vain to say I actually like something about myself. If someone was to ask the opposite question, now that’s when I would crack my knuckles and get down to business.

     Do you feel the same way? If I asked you what don’t you like about yourself, what would you list off before taking in a breath? Well for starters, I would say I hate my legs. For the last five summers, I have watched my children swimming at the local pool from a lawn chair self-consciously trying to get a tan in an embarrassing swimsuit that shows all. I have often wondered if I could get one of those full body religious swimsuits, but my kids just laugh. "Mom, don't worry about your legs, just have fun." 

     Do I sound imprisoned? To be honest I have been. I don’t like my body, how about you? But recently I came across this verse, Listen, daughter, pay careful attention: Forget your people and your Father’s house. Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord. Psalm 45:10-11. God is enthralled by our beauty. The Creator God designed us this way and has given us breath in our lungs to live life to the fullest.

    How do we break bad body image? No matter what issues you face, I think disliking your body is common ground for many women. Knowing we are all in a fight to show ourselves kindness should also encourage us to do the unthinkable. I challenge you to walk into the bathroom, lock the door, and take a real look at yourself in the mirror without grimacing or whispering cutting remarks.   Begin to thank God for the area that you despise about yourself.

    For me it is looking at my legs covered in purple veins. Lord, I thank you that these legs have carried me from highschool, through college, and through the birth of three children. These legs ran miles, they have danced in praise. They have walked on foreign soil to spread the gospel. They are not pretty, but they have been a blessing none the less. “So legs,” I say out loud in the bathroom, “I accept you because God gave you to me and I could’nt make it without you.” Even after saying it out loud I don’t believe myself. The temptation to hate them is so strong.  

    It is in that moment I remember the ten-year-old girl looking into her grandmother's discouraged face in confusion. I had never noticed her legs because I was always looking at her helpful hands. I had never noticed her legs because I was looking at her hazel blue eyes. Life is more important than beautiful legs, I wish I could take back the summers spent on the lawn chair while my children splashed in the pool. I can't turn back time, but I can start right now to change my opinion of the wonder strength God has given me to live.

"She's got legs and she knows how to use them."   

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